Successful Diminished Value Cases in Connecticut
As you can see, the numbers tell the story. We are able to recoup significant sums of money for our clients for diminished value claims. Please keep us in mind for future customers who might be interested in our services. I am happy to send more business cards or materials if you need to replenish your supplies.
Matthew Forrest, Esq.
This is a quick update for you on where we are with a few diminished value cases that have settled recently. We have been very successful with a number of claims that have come through Connecticut auto body shops. All-Pro Collision Repair & Sales referrals:
- 2008 Dodge Dakota settled for $4,000 against Sentry Ins.
- 2004 Mazda 6 settled against Dairyland Ins. for 3, 200.
Casella v. Lenches
Dec. 9, 2010
Successful Superior Court Diminished Value Case.
“Ron Goduti, an expert in the evaluation of 1965-1973 Corvette cars…testified that the plaintiff’s car is a high-performance Corvette and is considered very collectible Its value was between $60,000.00 and $70,000.00 before the accident but that the value will drop because the car has been damaged in an accident, even if adequate repairs are made. He opined that the plaintiff’s Corvette was no longer a “virgin” and had depreciated $10,000.00…[T]he court accepts Mr. Goduti’s testimony.”
Judge William Hadden Jr.