Forrest McPadden Argues Case in CT State Supreme Court
October 18, 2021 - Forrest McPadden Attorney...
COVID and Us
I think about this at least twice a day - what...
A 6 Cent Judgement
Detroit in January, 1851 was cold, snowy, icy....
A Ceiling and a Judgement
I don't know about you, but every once in a...
Informed Consent (and the Red Sox)
We need to talk about Bobby Jenks. Even if...
It’s All About the Issue
Over the summer, a friend of mine, a lawyer, got...
Social Media and Lawsuits
. . . about Social Media. If you're involved in...
The Boys and Torts
One of the cool things about taking Torts in law...
Our top law-related movies list
I’m in the process of writing an article...
Can Airplane Sewage Cause Diminished Value?
It might be a little-known fact that some...