October 18, 2021 – Forrest McPadden Attorney Marc Ubaldi argued a case in front of the CT Supreme Court today. While there was no decision at this point, we were very happy with the Justices’ response and are optimistic. The case raises the question of...
I’m in the process of writing an article about Dark Waters, a movie that really – really – struck home with me last month. For a lot of reasons, all of which will be discussed in the piece. I was talking about all this with a friend last week when this – probably...
It might be a little-known fact that some airlines drop their sewage out of the airplane as it flies. What if this jettisoned sewage happened to come through your car’s sunroof? That’s what happened to one driver in Canada. Yuck! While this would be a...
Many times we see cars or trucks that are also used in someone’s business. This situation can be very difficult, especially if the van or truck has been customized for a specific purpose. Many electricians have vans that are specifically outfitted for their purpose....
in Mid-2015, a single car fire aboard a container ship did an unbelievable amount of damage to all the other cars on board. There is a fascinating article about it at Jalopnik.com. Wow, what a mess, literally, figuratively, legally, and emotionally, and monetarily. ...